Future studies
Future research
You want to develop innovative products, services, or policies using data-driven trend analysis and future research.
Understanding future opportunities and challenges improves the quality of your strategic decisions and helps you develop innovative products and services. Futureconsult enables you to gain a broader outlook of the future without losing track of the present.
Futureconsult’s future or trend research systematically maps out the consequences of the most important developments in society and the market for your organisation. We base our trend analyses on both data-driven methods and our broad network of experts. But we prefer to organise structured workshops where you and your organisation can identify trends and new opportunities for innovation.
We recently completed future research for DELA, the Dutch Tax Authorities (Belastingdienst), and the Dutch Central Government Real Estate Agency (Rijksvastgoedbedrijf).
Our experience
“With scenarios for Lifelong Learning, we put together our own scenario. This is how we prepared the strategic choices to shape Lifelong Learning at Twente ROC.”
John van der Vegt
Chairman of the Board of Governors of ROC Twente
Curious what Futureconsult can do for your organisation?
Contact us by using our contact form or phone +31 (0)20-3203100.