Masterclasses – scenario planning

Masterclasses – scenarioplanning

The future cannot be predicted, but it can be explored.

To effectively anticipate future developments, you can use scenario planning. Future scenarios bring an uncertain future into focus and outline what the future could potentially look like. The scenarios show which impactful trends are at play within and outside your organisation.

Our scenario planning masterclass combines theory and practice: you are introduced to the methodology and simultaneously work on scenarios of a strategic issue within your own organisation. Developing a number of plausible future scenarios makes trends workable and shapes the conversation about the future. In an in-company masterclass on Scenario Planning, your MT and/or employees will be introduced to the tools needed to explore and manage the future. Futureconsult covers the entire scenario planning process: from comprehensive trend analysis and the creation of scenarios to translating scenarios into strategic action.

We would be happy to help you look at providing a masterclass tailored to your organisation.

Our experience

“With scenarios for Lifelong Learning, we put together our own scenario. This is how we prepared the strategic choices to shape Lifelong Learning at Twente ROC.”

John van der Vegt

Chairman of the Board of Governors of ROC Twente

Curious what Futureconsult can do for your organisation?

Contact us by using our contact form or phone +31 (0)20-3203100.
